Friday 15 January 2010


im alive and doing good in dedza. the computers here are soo slow so no pictures until next week when i go to lilongwe.
so i'll make this quick.

our house is lovely except no floor so ants everywhere, cold buckets of water are our shower and the long drop makes me want to spew everytime i go near it.
but the kids in our wee square are lovely, coming round to play almost an annoying amount. i have a video of them dancing to the 50 cent song 'In Da Club' which is the funniest thing i've ever seen.

The school is nice, but sooo many kids, there's about 90 in my class. and if you offer to mark anything then you get every child wanting all of their work marked, and they crowd around you until you've finished. scary stuff.
still missing home a bit but starting to love it here, everyone is so friendly and happy and we've been making good friends.

i have literally hundreds of pictures, and amazing funny ones of the kids so i'll try and post them next week!


  1. Sounds great, have fun! Graham x

  2. I like your blog :) the kids sound so cuteeee. glad you're starting to really like it, you're proper brave and it'll be amazingggggg. im so so jealous of you while i'm sat in uni writing essays and in the freezing cold while your helping little kiddies and teaching them bad habits :) miss you little chicken. xxxx

  3. Awwwk you're gonna need to show me ALL of your pictures when you get back.

    That was well funny what your said abot the marking. The exatc same thing that happened to me. I sat and did it at the last 10 mins of class though and just let them talk.

    My Grade 3 class got so loud towards the end and they never sat down when I told them to (in burmese & english) so I shouted at them a lot.
    I walked out of class at the end of a lesson one time without saying anything and I told the headteacher how bad they were being. Cheating etc. She went and told them off and they were so sorry, giving me letters and apologising. Funny.

    Gonna call you soon, do you still want me to go see your mumma? I'm in England till Sunday so I can go next week sometime.


  4. sounds like your having a good time cat! get them dancing to some t&s, that'd be waaaay cooler ;) hahaha, take care and have fun! xxx

  5. It's great that you are enjoying the children so much, I've always said when the going gets tough just concentrate on the children and all the other stuff will disappear - wise words from your mother!!
    Don't like the sound of the long drop but don't suppose it needs cleaning and that's my worst task at home?!
    Hope you have enjoyed your weekend and are looking forward to the week ahead, you know I am!
    Love you XXX

  6. Loved the chicken feet! Do they sell beaks as well?! I'm sure your mum had them in her stir-fry tonight.
    Looking after your car for you sweetie and after the snow melted, I went out to run the engine for a wee while. I found a packet of chocolate biscuits in the glove box so that was a major result. I hope you were not expecting them to be there when you get back?!
    Dad xxx

  7. Heya cat!

    Sounds like you're having a ball out there, a bit different from chilly Scotland? Lol
    Looking forward to more of your blogs!
    Have an adventure!



  8. Hey Sweetie,
    Finally I have managed to post a comment to you. I've been driving your poor old Ma nuts by trying and failing miserably. Silly me!! Glad to see that you have finally reached your destination of Dezda. Sounds like the journey out from the UK was a bit mad! Pic's look great and you sound like you are having an amazing time. Try hard not to teach all those lovely wee kids too much "Panner" speak, even though it would actually be quite funny. :0) Looking forward to reading your blog and following your great adventure as it unfolds. Take care, keep safe but most of all enjoy. Luv Ya. Heather x

  9. hey bbz! your blogs great, makes me laugh :) you sound like your having a really amazing time catty, keep enjoying it, your so lucky! hope your teaching the little brats all our amazing things such as kings, and i hope you have named one mr guins...has to be done. will send you a proper email soon! want to know how you've painted your house? hahaha missing you, keep having a ridiculously amazing time loveee yeee catty xxxxxxxxxx bex
