Saturday 9 January 2010

on verge of killing someone.

after honestly 2 days of trying and almost throwing this computer at the wall, i FINALLY have some of my pictures up. need to find an easier way of doing this though or i will spend all my days here screaming.

so hereeeee they are for you, if this doesnt work then im coming back home.

they're in the wrong order but bear with it!

my heavy heavy bags. was about to spew on the london underground just by how heavy they were. i helpfully said this out loud to my mum, on a packed train. my mum was like "are you alright" and i go "actually need to spew right now" perfect.

standard plane photo. travelling from lusaka to lilongwe. we landed in lusaka and had to wait on the plane for 45 minutes. i spent the whole plane journey to lusaka going "OH MY GOD WE'RE ON THE WRONG PLANE" i was just being an idiot though cause we were 'in transit'

how safe our compound is...

we are literally in a cage.

this is mhairi, she's from edinburgh and knows what cav is! she's going to be living with me in dedza [we go on monday] and these are weird ornaments in the restaurant bit. where i have been served the same veggie meal every night and lunch.

our massive table for the 21 of us. ridiculously big.

im living in the 'gold' part of the hotel, which is 2nd best. we have a hot shower and carpets! and even a tv that we've not used, and a fan. pretty classy stuff really. the bronze roomers have a shared shower for all of them, like lino floor i think, no electricity and one of the boys roofs caved in and his bed got infested by ants. gutted.

malawi mr guins! i asked the restaurant waiter what the cats name was, but he only got his job here about 2 days ago, he said he'd find out for me though. there's tons of cats here, and there's meant to be thousands in dedza.

this was us getting off the plane in lilongwe FINALLY. worst travel of my lifeeee.

our amaaaazing pool, that iv not been in yet. but it looks nice.

leaving lusaka airport, or landing in lilongwe, who actually knows? i was on the verge of crying if i had to see another safety video.


  1. Loving the photos, even if they seem to have been chopped in half or is that just me and can I make the site larger on screen? Not good news about the thousands of cats you'll need more Piriteze!
    found if i save the photo in my pictures I can see it all, computer genius!!!

  2. Maybe if you had left your anvil at home the bags wouldn't have been so heavy....

  3. Hi Cat, blogger is a nightmare to post pictures but the secret is for you to reduce the resolution and size of the photos before you post them. Solutions.
    1) You might be able to adjust a setting on your camera
    2) open a 2nd hotmail account and email the photos to yourself because hotmail reduces photos to send them really efficiently. Then load the wee ones on.
    This is from our long experience of waiting ages and ages to load one enormous photo!
    Brilliant to hear from you and we're enjoying keeping up with your experiences.
    Louise's laptop's got a major failure so she only has access to internet and is struggling to post. Mind you, she is probably partying and saying goodbye too much to post. It's her last day in Mae Sot on Monday. 5 months has gone so fast... so make the most of every day. Keep safe. Sheila

  4. PS Excuse my user name, Blogger's not allowing anonymous postings here....strange

  5. Sorry to be using up so many posts but, to allow anonymous folk to post, you need to enable this in your Blogger account under settings.

  6. Mother, stop harassing her. I blogged for you Cat. I'm gonna reply to your email soon.

    It looks so exciting. Bet you're glad you didn't get a roof on your head. Mmmm the swimming pool looks so good. WHY haven't you been in it yet??!


  7. Looks like fun, hope your travelling to dedza isn't as bad as the rest seems to have been. Have fun... and I hope you got into the swimming pool!!! Lovee Grahamm x

  8. Yay photos! The cat looks cute, from what i can see of him ;) im missing you like crazy my little chicken. its just not the same. i tried to go out last night and i couldnt convince anyone to chum me, your normally the one that convinces me or i convince you :) hope yer wee pals aren't too 'fishery' :P xxxxxxx
