Sunday 10 January 2010

sick of korea

think iv figured out how to fix my photos but im not posting any until i can get to a faster computer, cause this is doing my head in!

im leaving for dedza tomorrow at 8, so have to get up at like 6 to have my last proper shower, gutting. i have photos of our shopping trip the other day and the rain here, which is straight up and down rain and insane.
i'll post something when i can, and gonna try and send out some letters too.

excited to get to dedza though and paint our house, and im sick of the korean food we're getting in our hotel, i've had the same meal every night almost, and they give you mountains of it so you have to feel rude when you hand back a plate that looks full.
the staff here are lovely though, really friendly and smiley.

actual shattered and gonna go sit by the pool with everyone else. i'll try and post more photos soon!

miss home so much! x

1 comment:

  1. Away and get some beauty sleep then dafty!!!
    At least you'll be able to feed yourself in Dedza, mmm beans, salad and veggies ... what a treat :)
    xoxoxo (that's love and hugs, missing my hugs!) XXX
